20 Letters to my 20 Year Old Self

  1. You think you don’t know what you’re doing in life yet, but nobody really does. You didn’t go into the wrong major in school, your life is not messy and it’s normal to feel like you’re not “there yet”. You shouldn’t expect to have life all figured out by the time you’re 20. You’re young. Sit down and relax.
  2. You’re going to lose friends Hate to break it to you, but you’re going to lose a few friends, for a lot of reasons. Don’t get so down on yourself and don’t make it the centre of your life- trust me the best is yet to come.
  3. You’re going to meet some of the best friends you’ve ever known and you don’t even know it yet. You’re going to meet a group of people who know you better than you know yourself and you’re going to develop closer relationships with the ones who were there for you from the beginning. You’ll wonder how you lived life without these people before meeting them, and you’ll make a new best friend in the process.
  4. The days of working at the coffee shop will be your favourite days Trust me- even years later you’ll be happy you did it. You were able to meet said group of friends ^ make money so that you can travel and have experiences and not even feel like you’re working because you enjoy their company so much.
  5. You won’t regret taking that time off school to travel Listen to your dad when he says that you’ll never be 19 or 20 ever again, and this time and money you have saved up is best spent on experiences- either alone or with your friends. Iceland will be the best experience of your life and you will catch an even STRONGER travel bug than ever before. (Didn’t think that was possible? You’re crazy man)
  6. Surprise, surprise- you just get MORE emotional with age Lol, Just when you thought you’d “grow out of it”- no way girl. You’re an emotional crier, with a whole lot of love for your family and friends but you never really learn how to handle yourself. Its okay to be emotional!
  7. Your high school love is going to grow into something much bigger and stronger than you thought it could’ve You start to talk about future and make plans for something so much bigger than you can imagine. You start to see that love only grows- it doesn’t sit stagnant. You’re going to go through some hardships and realize that all loves does, and that coming out stronger after those hardships is what shows the strength of this love.
  8. You’re going to have baby fever- really friggin young. For some strange reason youre going to want a baby NOW. Your baby fever is going to skyrocket and you’re literally too young to do anything about it. Just thought I’d warn you though lol. Your love of children never really went away, it just got stronger.
  9. You’ll realize that love and friendship takes effort from BOTH sides You’ll quickly learn that some friends aren’t worth hitting up all the time if they don’t answer or they don’t make as much effort as you do to keep the friendship alive. This will be one of your hardest and weirdest lessons to learn, but you’ll learn it.
  10. You’re going to graduate and be just fine. Stop worrying so much. Don’t worry. You got into your dream school, you got through it and you graduated without failing anything (thank God) And you’ll even get a job in your field! You won’t like it, but you’ll be able to put it on your resume. Oh- and then you get another job, I’ll let you know how that one goes soon 🙂
  11. Your relationship with your parents is still the most important thing to you Your mom and dad are still your literal life, and nothing could ever change that. You’ll spend precious time with them and thank the heavens that they’re such a cool divorced couple who gets along and makes your life worth living.
  12. You’ll sit back and think “I don’t deserve the wonderful people in my life” a whole lot. Like everyday. You’ve been put in this kinda crazy circle of people who care way too much about you and put your thoughts and feelings first, which is gonna feel almost weird and undeserving to you. Thank them, tell them that you love them every single chance you get and be thankful you have them in your life.
  13. Your mental health gets better day by day It’s hard to think that you’ll ever feel “okay” and “great” when you think about your mental health, but the more you work at it and the more you work on yourself- you’ll come to realize that you’re a work in process every day that goes by. The people who love you, do so despite your thoughts and feelings.
  14. Your health is also a work in progress You are going to go through a battle with your own psyche about why you have a chronic illness and why everything seems to be getting worse and worse. Just know it’s a work in progress- as are you, and you are going to have to be strong and trek through it, crossing each bridge as you get to it.
  15. You’re going to learn not to give a flying fig You’re going to develop this (weird?) trait where you don’t give a darn what people think about you, unless they’re in your inner circle. Believe it or not, this is a great trait to have- so keep it! lol
  16. Due to health, your body IS going to change You’re going to have water retention due to your Endometriosis and your body is going to change in weird ways. You are going to be bloated one day, and have a flat stomach the next. Your weight will fluctuate 8-10 pounds per week and you’ll sometimes look like a different person. Good on you for embracing it in the best possible way you can- and try your best to not let it get to you so much. Bodies are meant for so much more than looking “cute”.
  17. You’re going to realize that working for someone, is not really for you..You’ve probably known this for a while and not wanted to admit it to yourself, but you’re going to dislike working for authority a little bit- I think you were always kind of meant to become your own boss, and you’re actually taking steps towards being that finally. You’re gonna LOVE your new work from home job, and the people there too!
  18. Your perfectionism will get the best of you and it will affect your school work and work ethic You get a better handle on this when you turn 22 because you learn that you can allow yourself to make mistakes. Another hard lesson to learn, and you’ll always have the perfectionism trait- but you’ve thankfully learned to calm it down a little bit.
  19. Experiences are the best way to spend your money You were blessed with time, savings, and a job that let you decide your own hours at the time: travel as much as you can, take those days off and work on LIF, youtube etc.. You have the freedom right now before you graduate to do anything you put your heart and mind to.
  20. Life goes by even faster once you turn 20. Crazy, and probably just in my head- but seriously the years seem to pass by so much faster, time doesn’t stop for anyone. I hope you always do what you love, and you always love what you do.
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