It’s so crazy that this is one of the only times I’ve ever known, as long as I’ve been alive, that the whole world is affected by something. It’s also crazy to see how the world kind of comes together and finally understands each other. How many times have you used “unprecedented times” in an email? I think we all have at least like 5 times lol.

More importantly, how are you taking care of yourself in these “unprecedented times”? Are you remembering to take time to do things for you? Sometimes when our minds are so focused on other things, our own mental and physical well-being gets put on the back burner, and this can definitely be one of those situations. I’ve noticed that a lot of people who I talk to who feel affected by these circumstances have been extroverts missing their human connection. As an extrovert I can definitely attest to this, but even if you’re an introvert you can benefit from these practices! Sometimes we don’t even know we are anxious, irritated or even sad in moments like this. We just feel, well, off. In retrospect, there have been so many times where I just don’t feel “right” or “100%” and often wondered why, but brushed it off. We need to make sure we are confronting these feelings, whether they be worry, anxiety, inadequacy, comfortability. etc, with kindness and acceptance. Facing your emotions head on can be quite the feat, especially if you’re really not too sure what it exactly is that we’re feeling. I’m going to give you a few of my own tips that I use both in quarantine and pre quarantine that helped me gain even the slightest sense of normalcy back to life.
- Take Time to Contemplate & think alone.
In quarantine you may find yourself surrounded constantly by family or whoever you’re quarantining with. This is amazing, as support from family, friends and a significant other is some of the best support we can possibly have! But sometimes, we alllllll need alone time. Take some time to really contemplate and reflect on what exactly it is that you’re feeling. When you end up finding out what it is, don’t judge it, just allow yourself to feel it. This can sometimes be difficult but it’s important to remember that it’s natural and normal to be feeling all kinds of emotions in a chapter of life that you’ve never opened before, nor has anyone around you. There is no guidebook to how you’re supposed to “feel” in a pandemic. Maybe you’re worried about the virus affecting you and your loved ones, maybe you miss being able to go on trips, go shopping, go have a coffee at a cafe, maybe you miss your job or hugging your friends and family. These are all SUCH valid thoughts and feelings to have, and you will only be able to feel a sense of peace once you’ve narrowed down what exactly it is that you’re feeling. I like to do this at my local beach or park, I sit in a quiet area with a calm song playlist on my phone, maybe a journal if I want to write things down, and I just sit alone with my thoughts, non judgmental. This will really help you to reflect on your thoughts and feelings and why you’re feeling them. Remember- don’t judge yourself! Allow yourself to cry, be happy, think, be upset. Remember that you’re human.

2. Give yourself something to look forward to
Feeling unmotivated possibly? I know I started off quarantine feeling optimistic and positive, running my businesses and doing things I needed to do to better myself. But as time went on I just began to feel this overwhelming feeling of being unmotivated. I know it can be hard to have something to look forward to in these times, and sometimes it can leave you in a slump. Giving yourself something to look forward to like making your favourite coffee in the morning or putting stickers in your planner, or even walking your dog to a new park will really help you get out of bed and have something work looking forward to. Remember to romanticize your life, think about what coffee creamers you’d love to try, or new baking recipes you’d want to learn. I started to clean a new corner of my house each week and it really helped me feel accomplished! One day I cleaned out my closet and donated about 5 bags of clothing and things I didn’t need, the next day I cleaned out my junk drawer, the next day it was my papers (files, taxes, etc). It really helped me feel fresh at the end of the day knowing that I did something, even if it was small, that day. Another great idea is learning a new baking recipe every week and taking your treats to your friends and family! Finding ways to look forward to a new day will lift your spirits in these times.
3. Make time to do things for you
When was the last time you took a really long shower, used your favourite body scrub, put on a face and hair mask and did your nails? This is quite literally the time to do it! Make time to give yourself a salon day, take care of yourself, maybe take a hot bath, shave, do whatever makes you happy! Maybe this even means reading a book by yourself while your husband is with the kids, or playing a video game that you really love. Only you know what this looks like, and only you know what really makes you happy! Doing things for you will really get you back into a slight feeling of normalcy and remind you that you’re not stuck. Things will get better and things will not always be this way, you’re safe at home and you might as well take advantage of it and do things for yourself! On my pamper days I like to take a bath with one of my many Lush bath bombs, read a book that I love, do a face and hair mask, do my nails, watch a movie or TV show that I love, take a walk and talk to my loved ones! I also love to work on my business and find inspiration for creative projects I’d like to work on. These are just some of my little pockets of peace I’m able to find throughout the day.

4. Keep in contact with friends, family and loved ones
This one is sooo important and really necessary ( especially for my fellow extroverts out there ), remember that any way you’re feeling, you have friends out there who are probably feeling the same or feeling something they may want to talk to you about. Check on your friends and family and make sure they’re doing okay, make sure they have everything they need and remind them that they can come to you to talk about anything they may need to. It’s also important for you to maintain contact with people for that sense of normalcy while in quarantine. I love face timing my friends and family and calling my boyfriend and my friends while I walk at the park. I’m the kind of person who loves to keep busy and feels put together when Im doing things, so even if I need to squeeze in a little FaceTime or call with my loved ones between the things I’m doing it really makes me happy! Another thing I’ve found really helpful is doing online or phone sessions with my therapist- it sounds funny but it can be really calming to have a chat with someone outside of your circle who you haven’t spoken to in a while due to quarantine.
5. Keep a routine as much as possible
Keeping a routine is really key to feeling a little bit normal. Your daily routine is one of the few things that you can control at this point in time which makes it something of stability in your life right now. Try and wake up everyday around the same time, give yourself enough rest, eat a healthy breakfast, maybe workout or do some yoga- do things that you would normally do to help yourself achieve a new normal in quarantine. A routine will help you feel put together and not make you dread getting out of bed for a new day. Whether it means creating a simple routine to start, or working off your old routine with changes- the fact that you’re making one is really amazing and something to be proud of.
6. Meditate or Relaxxxxxx
Ok you might think that relaxing is just common sense and that everyone knows how to do that but you’d be surprised! When so much is going through your mind (or not as much as usual), it can cause us to have tension, worry, anxiety. I love yoga to deal with these things because I’m able to stretch my body and take care of it, while also spending time with my feelings and thoughts and just literally letting my mind and body relax. Meditation is also great, whether that means meditating upon the Bible (what I do), or just meditating and relaxing your mind and allowing yourself to fully feel everything.
I know these times are uncertain but there are so many things that we can do to make sure that we are healthy, both physically and mentally. I hope you can use some of these things and apply them to life right now- I know it can be hard to stay positive and think optimistically but we’re all in this together and know that I’m always here to talk to!